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30 Days to Triumph: Your Ultimate Countdown for Event Success

Marketing Trade Shows 30 Days Out

With the event just 30 days away, it’s time to shift gears and intensify your preparations. This blog post is your go-to guide for the crucial steps needed to ensure a seamless and successful automotive event. Let’s delve into the essential checklist to make these final 30 days count.

1. Internal Communication Excellence: Rally Your Team

Initiate internal communication within your organization. Keep your team informed, motivated, and aligned with your event objectives. Transparency is key to a well-informed and engaged workforce.

2. Incentivize Success: Introduce Spiffs

Inject energy into your team by introducing spiffs (Sales Performance Incentive Funds). These incentives add an extra layer of motivation, driving your team to excel in their roles.

3. CRM Mastery: Disseminate Info and Instructions

Leverage your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system to disseminate essential information and instructions. Ensure your team is well-versed in using the CRM to maximize efficiency during the event.

4. Event Intel: Equip Your Team with Crucial Details

Compile and share comprehensive event information. From booth location to the event schedule, ensure every team member has easy access to the details they need to represent your brand effectively.

5. Outbound Call Campaign Kickoff: Strategic Outreach

Initiate an outbound call campaign if necessary. This proactive approach ensures targeted outreach to potential leads and partners, setting the stage for fruitful engagements during the event.

6. Omni-Channel Mastery: Marketing Campaign Activation

Launch your marketing omni-channel campaign. Utilize various channels such as social media, email, and online advertising to amplify your event presence. Consistent and cohesive messaging enhances brand visibility.

Drive Success Further: Download Our Tradeshow Marketing Checklist

As you navigate the final 30 days before your automotive event, don’t forget to complement your efforts with Univelocity’s Tradeshow Marketing Checklist. It’s your ultimate guide to optimizing every aspect of your event strategy. Download it now to ensure you’ve covered all bases for a triumphant event.

Our leaderboard ELM is a great way to gamify your lead gen efforts preshow and during an event.

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